Sunday 18 April 2010


Can anyone tell me why we were put here on this Earth? This beautiful place of ice-capped mountains and deep blue oceans teeming with life. Only one of Earth's species has gained sentience and they are capable of great achievements, great kindness, great artistic beauty but also capable of great atrocities. And when these atrocities occur, when that being full of sentience discards the world around them, discards not only the beauty of the snow-capped mountains and deep blue oceans...but the beauty inside of them.

When you pick at the stitches and seams of the carnal mind, the thoughts and emotions you tried so hard to conceal and forget, spill out around you. For some the spilling never stops, as the world slowly revolves, history repeats itself and with every occurrence, these memories and feelings bury themselves deeper and deeper into the fabric of who we are until eventually, we drown.

We fall so deep into the ocean that IS this world, that is media, conformity, temptation. But when you've already picked at those stitches, believe me, they'll make themselves at home. turn on the taps...and the next thing you're treading water, struggling to keep your head above the surface. just to breathe is a gift, But through worldly means...we can take even that away ourselves.

So when we're treading water and gasping for breathe, running purely on the instinct to survive that we all possess, Granted... you'll survive, but for how long? If your arms and legs are bound, how long could you survive on your own? even at its extremity there are many who feel this to be much more reality than a pretentious analogy conjured by a lonely blogger with too much time on his hands. I for one sympathise all too well with those who feel that they can no longer reach that lifeline, those that have been dragged by the current so far that they can no longer see the shore.

But from this there is a lesson to be learned, Granted a lesson that i still have not learned, and will continue struggling to do so, but a lesson to be learned none the less. A lesson to change, to humble yourself to those with outstretched hands. A lesson to stop kicking and screaming and allow them to carry you. Those of you with a religious background,...i don't need to tell you who you should turn to, who it is NEVER too late to turn too, this is amongst those lessons i am trying to learn for myself. but when you're barely floating, when there is no ladder must ask! you must beg and plead for a lifeline. Beg for a map, a light, a rope, all that you'll need. you may not want to, you may feel you cannot, you may have lost the desire to change at all, but there will come a time when you will have nowhere else to turn. plead for help now while you still can. its not a weakness. its a strength. its Growth.

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